SIETAR Kansai July 2021 Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery: Is it true it’s happening in Japan? 2021年7月例会 SIETAR関西 「人身取引と現代の奴隷制、日本でも起きているって、本当ですか?」

Speaker:  Mariko Yamaoka (Director, Not For Sale Japan (NFSJ)

Date:   July 18, 2021 (Sunday)

Fee:      Free for allLanguage: English

Time:    14:00-17:00


Today, there are more than 40 million “modern slaves” in the world, despite the fact that slavery is supposed to have been abolished long ago and is illegal anywhere on the globe. Human trafficking, or trafficking in persons, as defined by the United Nations, is the act of recruiting, transporting, transferring or harboring of people for the purpose of exploitation by means of deception, threat, violence, or taking advantage of those in vulnerable positions. In other words, human trafficking is the process of enslaving other people. 
But who are the slaves? What are they forced to do? How have they fallen into slavery? Why can they not escape from the situation? In what country and in what places does human trafficking take place? Who are the perpetrators? Is there any way to rescue the victims and prevent it from happening? What are the governments and the UN doing for it? What can we do to stop it?  
Human trafficking is happening in Japan. However, most people don’t know it. Why? It is because human trafficking is a crime hidden in the shadow. But the victims are not always locked up and are likely to be walking around in plain sight. Actually those who are victims of sexual exploitation and labor exploitation are often not recognized as victims of human trafficking but of other crimes and problems. Let us discuss and think about how we can contribute to the solution of this serious human rights violation.

ZOOM Online presentation *registration required*  Contact: to get the Zoom link and for any questions.

Mariko Yamaoka.

After working as a translator for more than 10 years, Mariko Yamaoka planned and translated David Batstone’s book “Not For Sale” into Japanese in 2010. In the following summer, she launched Not For Sale Japan as the Japan chapter of the California-based charity “Not For Sale” founded by Batstone. She has been working to raise awareness of the issue of human trafficking, also known as “modern slavery”, through lectures, presentations, events, exhibits, film screenings, campaigns, and information dissemination with other volunteer staff members.    Yamaoka also participates in JNATIP, the Japan Network Against Trafficking In Persons, as a member of the steering committee; she engages in communications with the Japanese government and sends comments to the UN. She is a co-director of SSRC, the Citizens’ Network to Build a Sustainable Society through Responsible Consumption, and advocates ethical consumption to the business sector and to consumers.

発表者: 山岡万里子(ノット・フォー・セール・ジャパン(NFSJ)代表

日程:  2021年7月18日(日)    

時間:  14:00~17:00

費用:  無料

言語:  英語

ZOOM Online presentation *registration required*

お問い合わせ先: お申込み、または、お問い合わせは、  までg


いったいどんな人が奴隷なのか、彼らは何をさせられているのか、どうして奴隷になってしまったのか、なぜ抜け出せないのか? 人身取引はどんな国のどんな場所で起きているのか、加害者はどんな人なのか、被害者を助けたり被害を防いだりできないのか、政府や国連は何をやっているのか、私たちにできることはないのか――? 

講師プロフィール: 山岡万里子

 出版翻訳に十数年たずさわった後、バットストーン著『Not For Sale』を自ら企画翻訳した(『告発・現代の人身売買』朝日新聞出版/2010年)ことから、米国拠点のNGO〈Not For Sale〉の日本支部として、2011年夏にNFSJを設立。ボランティアで集まった仲間たちと共に、講演・出張授業・ミニ学習会・イベント出展・映画上映会・キャンペーン・情報発信などを通じ、「現代の奴隷制」と呼ばれる人身取引問題の啓発に取り組んでいる。

June 2021 SIETAR Kansai: Online International Collaboration: “It’s just a click away” 2021年6月例会  SIETAR 関西「オンラインで国際協力:“クリックするだけ”」


Speaker:  Wade Muncil and Scott Johnston, Osaka Jogakuin University

Date:           June 27, 2021 (Sunday)                          

Time:          14:00-17:00              

Fee:         Free for all

Language:  English 

ZOOM Online presentation *registration required*Contact: to get the Zoom link; for any questions.


The Corona virus pandemic has had a huge impact on education, and it has been particularly disastrous for study abroad programs. June’s presentation will be of particular interest to those who are responsible for organizing international exchange as well as for instructors of intercultural communication courses. The presenters, Muncil and Johnston, will share their work that began in 2007 when they first collaborated, where one was teaching in Japan and the other had a class in the United Arab Emirates. They continued this collaboration for eight years, and despite difficulties, such as time differences, technological glitches, and cultural gaps, it was worthwhile for not only the students, but for the instructors themselves. 

Other positive developments took place: A university course in the U.S. was added to the UAE-Japan connection, students from the UAE visited Japan for a week, and Muncil and Johnston made international presentations in the U.S. and in Abu Dhabi. More recently they have organized a guest speaker program: in 2020 and 2021 where speakers from the UAE, Jordan, Brazil and the U.S. addressed an audience in Japan through Zoom. Teachers are invited to join their Facebook group called Building Bridges in Education where educators can network and learn from each other. (

Wade Muncil holds a Master of Arts in Teaching from the School for International Training and is presently teaching at Osaka Jogakuin University/College after spending nine years teaching in the Western Region of The United Arab Emirates. His interests are documenting and preserving the cultures of our planet and promoting community service in education, business and government.


Scott Johnston has a Ph.D. in Education from Michigan State University and has been a professor at Osaka Jogakuin University since 2004. He is also Dean of the Graduate School. He is interested in involving students with their learning. He has held a LINE/ZOOM “journal class” with the semester/year abroad students to facilitate their learning while overseas. In addition, he taught the Educational Internship class at OJU in which students interned at local elementary and junior high schools while taking an OJU class to reflect on their learning.

sietar kansai June 2021.png

公演者:  ウェイド・マンシル:氏、スコットジョンストン氏  共に大阪女学院

開催日:    June 27, 2021 (Sunday)                         

時間       14:00-17:00             

参加料  無料

言語    英語

ZOOM Online presentation *registration required*

お問い合わせ先: お申込み、または、お問い合わせは、  まで


 新型コロナウィルス感染症の世界的な大流行が教育に多大な影響をもたらせました。特に海外留学プログラムは、破滅的な被害を受けました。6月の定例会では、国際交流団体や異文化コミュニケーションコースの指導者に対して責任を持つ方々が、特に関心を示す事柄について講演します。発表者のマンシル氏とジョンストン氏は、2007年に第1回目の共同研究を始めます。研究では、一方が日本で、他方はUAE(アラブ首長国連邦)において教育指導を分担しました。二人は、時差、技術的な不具合、文化の違いなどの困難にもかかわらず、共同研究を8年間継続させました。それは、学生だけではなく指導者にとってもやりがいのある取り組みでした。その他の積極的な動きは、アメリカの大学コースがUAEと日本間の連結を追加したり、UAE出身の学生が日本を1週間訪問したり、マンシル氏とジョンストン氏がアメリカとアブダビで国際的な発表をしました。最近では、2020,2021年にゲストスピーカー・プログラムを体系づけて、UAE,ジョーダン、ブラジル、アメリカから、日本の聴衆者に向けたZOOMによる公演会を実施しました。教員達は、教育者のネットワークや互いに学び合えるBuilding Bridges in Education と呼ばれるFacebookグループへの参加に招待されます。 ( 興味がある人は、この機会をお見逃しなく、是非ご参加ください。



スコット・ジョンストン: ミシガン州立大学で、教育学の博士号を取得し、2004年からは大阪女学院(OJU)の教授で大学院の学部長。学生を取り込んだ学びに関心を持つ。半期/1年の海外学生と共にLINE/ZOOM による“journal class”を開催し、学生の留学先での学びを促進している。さらに、学内の教育研修講座では、学生が地域の小学校や中学校で体験した教育実習の学びを講座の授業に反映させる指導を行っている。

May 2021 SIETAR Kansai: Mind-Body Naikan Therapy—A Spiritual Way of Transformation 「心身めざめ内観 ワークショップ」

Speaker 発表者:  Rev. Mari Sengoku (Shinshin-Mezame Naikan Center) 千石 真理 せんごく まり(心身めざめ内観センター主宰) 

Date 日程:   May 22, 2021 (Sat)  2021年5月22日(土) 14:00~17:00

Language 使用言語: English(Question time in English and Japanese )英語(質疑応答は英語と日本語)

ZOOM Online presentation *registration required* . Contact to get the Zoom link or for any questions.
Zoomオンラインでのプレゼンテーションですので事前登録が必要です。 問い合わせ:fujimotodonna@gmail.comへメールで連絡して下さい。

This month we will learn about Naikan, a Buddhist method of meditative self-reflection, psychotherapy and counseling, from our guide, Rev. Mari Sengoku. Naikan–meaning “inside looking” or “introspection”– was founded in the 1950s by Rev. Ishin Yoshimoto, a Jodo Shin Buddhist minister. Now there are more than 40 Naikan centers in Japan, and the therapy has also taken root in the U.S., China, Korea, and Europe. Currently, Dr. Sengoku and several Theravada Buddhist monks at universities are planning a Naikan retreat and a research project in Sri Lanka. 
In Naikan, the practitioners devote themselves to self-examination reflecting on significant relationships in their life. They are guided to examine things objectively and be able to reinterpret and change their perspective toward these significant relationships. They come to discard narrow and self-serving points of view, and instead cultivate deeper understandings of self and others rooted in gratitude and an awareness of interdependence. This discovery can be profoundly transformative, leading to the resolution of problems and to the improvement of disease. In this session Sengoku will also teach us Chair Yoga stretch and Breathing technique.

日本で誕生した内観療法は、浄土真宗僧侶、吉本伊信によって1950年代に開発されました。内観療法は、医療従事者、教育者、学生、ビジネスマン、主婦など、一般の方が行う場合は自己反省法、自己探求法として、抑うつ症状、家庭内不和、対人恐怖症、パニック障害、摂食障害、アルコール・ギャンブル依存症等に悩む方には心理療法として適用され効果をあげてきました。日本では約40か所の内観研修所が全国に設立され、欧米、中国、韓国等、アジア諸国でも普及しています。内観は仏教哲学から派生しているため、現在、千石講師はスリランカの僧侶、大学教授と共に、スリランカでの内観研修、研究プロジェクトを進めています。 内観の方法は、自分の人生において重要な人たちとの関係を、その相手に「してもらったこと」「お返しをしたこと」「ご迷惑をかけたこと」の三つの質問に沿って、具体的な事実を思い出していきます。他人の眼を借りて、自分のこれまでの生き方を客観的に振り返ると、それまで思いもしなかった自分の自己中心性や他人から受けた恩恵に気づかされます。過去から現在までの人間関係を深く洞察し、自分と他人の関係を見直すことによって、自己中心的な心が感謝の心へと大きく転換され、生き方、行動が変わります。ワークショップでは、内観に呼吸瞑想法、気功、ヨガを導入し、短時間での内観深化をはかります。

Rev. Mari Sengoku, Ph.D., is a Jodo Shin Buddhist minister who serves as a mental health therapist for temple members and members of the public in both Japan and the U.S. She has served as a minister of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii from 1994 to 2007. She has also served as a chaplain in hospitals and hospices in Kyoto and Tottori as well as in Hawaii. She has an MA in Education and Marriage and Family Therapy in the U.S., and earned her Ph.D. in Neuropsychiatry in Japan. She regularly lectures about Japanese therapies and spirituality in university classes for foreign students in Japan, as well as at nursing and medical schools. Dr. Sengoku is the Director of Shinshin-Mezame Naikan Center, with locations in Tottori prefecture in Japan. Shinshin-Mezame means “mind-body awakening.” She guides her clients in breathing and meditation techniques to enable them to enter the deeper reaches of the Naikan experience promptly.
