August 2022 SIETAR Kansai: Nomad Monk, Nomad Dharma and Inner Adventure 2022年度8月 SIETAR関西「遊牧民の僧侶、遊牧民のダーマの内なる冒険」

SpeakerBhante/Chipamong Chowdhury (Theravada Buddhist monk, storyteller, teacher)

Date:     August 7, 2022 (Sunday)

Time:     9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE from usual time     (the reason: our speaker will be on the east coast of the US)

Language: English

Fee:      Free for all

ZOOM Online presentation *registration required*

Contact: to get the Zoom link; for any questions.

講演者: Bhante/Chipamong Chowdhury (上座部仏教の僧侶、ストーリーテラ ー、教師)

日程:   2022年8月7日(日)

時間:   9:00~12:00(注:通常とは異なる時間です!!)            *理由:講演者がアメリカ東海岸在住のため

費用:  無料

言語:   英語



Description: Bhante – the nomad monk – who does not believe in “vacation”, and yet he constantly travels with no aim, no destination, and no end date! In this lecture, he will share his unusual-monk’s travel stories, monastic nomadism, inner adventure, and nomad dharma.

概要: バンテ ー 遊牧民の僧侶 ー は「休暇」を信じず、目的もなく、目的地もなく、終 了日もなく、常に旅を続けています。この講演では、彼の珍しい僧侶の旅の話、僧侶 の遊牧、内なる冒険、そして遊牧民のダーマを紹介します

Presenter:Bhante/Chipamong  is the self-defined nomad monk. He is a Theravada Buddhist monk, storyteller, and contemplative teacher. He teaches at the Chautauqua Institution NY. He is the board director of the HDHS network and co-editor of the book: Human Dignity: Practices, Discourses, and Transformations. His essays and reviews have appeared in the Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Journal of Contemporary Buddhism, Buddhist Studies Reviews, and Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, among other publications. Originally from Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh, and now he lives in Washington DC and NY. He has studied at the Naropa University, Colorado, University of Toronto and was a fellow at the center of justice at Columbia University NY. Now, he is a youtuber monk where he shares nomad mindfulness


Bhante/Chipamong ー自他共に認める遊牧民の僧侶。上座部仏教の僧 侶であり、語り部であり、瞑想の教師でもある。ニューヨーク州シャトークワ研究所で教鞭をとる。HDHSネットワークの理事であり 『Human Dignity: Practices, Discourses, and Transformations』の共 同編集者。『Harvard Divinity Bulletin』『Journal of Contemporary Buddhism』『Buddhist Studies Reviews』『Journal of Religion and Popular Culture』 などにエッセイや評論を発表している。バングラ デシュのチッタゴン丘陵地帯出身で、現在はワシントンDCとNYに 住んでいる。コロラド州ナロパ大学、トロント大学で学び、ニュウーヨーク州コロンビア大学のセンター・オブ・ジャスティスでフェローを務めた。

July 2022 SIETAR Kansai: Myanmar Update – From Activists in Japan

2022年 7月 SIETAR関西


Date:     July 23, 2022 (Saturday)   

Time: 14:00-17:00

Fee:      Free for all

Language: Japanese & English

ZOOM Online presentation *registration required*

Contact: to get the Zoom link or for any questions.

発表者: Ms. Kyawt Kyawt Khine(チョチョカイ), Mr. Min Thein Kyaw(ミンテインキョー)、and Mr. Lin Myat (リンミャ)

日程: 2022年7月23日(土)

時間: 14:00~17:00

費用:  無料

言語: Ms. Khine(日本語)、Mr. Kyaw and Mr. Myat (英語)



Description: Myanmar is becoming a completely failed state. With the economy decreasing so rapidly, the GDP cannot even be accurately measured. We, the people of Myanmar, are losing our human rights. We are losing our freedom and our safety because of the military junta. However, we, Myanmar citizens, have not given up. Along with the National Unity Government, with armed ethnic groups, and with other ethnic organizations, we are still fighting to get our freedom back, and we will build our nation back again. With this presentation we want to raise awareness about the true situation in our country.




Kyawt Kyawt Khine (Kai) is a graduate of Yangon University and was an elementary school teacher for 10 years in Myanmar. She came to Japan on a Ministry of Education scholarship where she worked at Tohoku University and Miyagi Education University. She has a Masters of Education from the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, and she is currently the head of the Royal Myanmar Restaurant in Naha, Okinawa.

Kyawt Kyawt Khineチョチョカイ)さんはヤンゴン大学卒業後、ミャンマーで10年間小学校の教師を務める。文部省の奨学生として来日し、東北大学と宮城教育大学に勤務。沖縄の琉球大学で教育学の修士号を取得し、現在は沖縄の那覇にあるロイヤルミャンマーレストランの代表を務めています。

Kyawt Kyawt Khine will speak in Japanese

Min Thein Kyaw has a B.A. from the University of Foreign Languages Mandalay, and is currently a 4th-year student at Otemae University majoring in International Relations.

Min Thein Kyawミンテインキョー)さんはマンダレー外国語大学で学士号を取得し、現在大手前大学4年生で国際関係論を専攻しています。

Min Thein Kyaw will speak in English

Lin Myat was a 3rd-year student in Mechanical Engineering in Myanmar, but he had to stop his education because of the military coup.

Lin Myat (リンミャ)さんは、ミャンマーで機械工学の3年生でしたが、軍事クーデターにより学業を中断しなければなりませんでした。

Lin Myat will speak in English